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These maps show the various designations relating to wildlife and the natural environment in and around Wick Golden Valley LNR. For maps showing geology and geological designations, please visit the Geology section.
For a fuller explanation of these maps and the species and designations relating to Wick Golden Valley LNR, please see the Species and Site Designations page.
These maps have been produced by Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre (BRERC) and are available for use in line with the criteria set out in the enquiry process at www.brerc.org.uk. Information presented here was correct as of 9th February 2005, and may have been updated or changed since that time. If you are a commercial enquirer or require the latest information then please contact BRERC using the link above.
Please note that these maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and are subject to crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Maps produced under South Gloucestershire Council License number 100023410, 2004.
To view the maps, simply click on them to open a large copy in a NEW window. To save the maps, right click on them and click 'Save Target as...'
The species maps show the distribution of species over the Wick Golden Valley LNR site. The stars represent species records, and mark the bottom left hand corner of the 100 metre squares shown. This means that if an area isn't covered by one of the 100 metre squares, there are no records for it at the time of writing.
By cross-referencing the spreadsheets to the maps, you can discover what has been recorded in the past, and where and when this took place.
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